Happy Birthday Rodney Wayne Draughan (53 yrs young)

 On this day in 1956 the late Rodney Wayne Draughan was born to Ronald Maurice and Anna Mae Draughan.  He was the 3rd oldest of Ronald's six children  and the 2nd Eldest of  the 5  Anna gave birth to. He was my brother and the first of my four older brothers to pass away.  Although we were 14 years apart, we shared a special bond that I had hoped we would have an opportunity to further develop as I grew older. So, in 1988, when I graduated from Independence High school in Glendale AZ , I moved immediately to NJ in with my brother for a chance for us to get to really get to know one another. 
 Shortly after moving to NJ, I discovered that Rodney was very ill. He passed away in September of 1988 of what many tried to cover up by calling it pneumonia.  He actually died from  AIDS.  It saddens me to know that he lived with such a dark secret for so long in the eighties.  Loving my brother the way I do, My only regret is that I wasn't given the opportunity to tell him that his secret would be safe with me and I don't care about who he'd chosen to love as long as he or she loves him the way he deserved to be loved.  He was a great man,handsome smart  and caring. I owe so much of who I am to the brother who helped us escape to safety and move to a new life in Arizona from and abusive father and husband. I am remembering my brother Rodney Wayne Draughan he has been gone for 21 years but will for ever and ever live on in my heart.


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